AILEEN + BRIAN – NYC Beloved Session (Lea’s, Park Avenue, Carl Schurz Park – Engagement Session)

Aileen and Brian found me through their friend Ashley + Patrick, who were clients of mine a few years back and are actually expecting a brand new baby pretty soon, I think.  So early congrats to Ash and Patrick!

So, for Aileen and Brian, who have been dating for a few years now, we thought it would be fun to go back to where it all began, where the lovely couple had their first date!  So we took a few moments at Lea, a very cozy wine bar right by Grand Central Terminal.  They were gracious enough to host us and were more than accommodating with anything we needed.

While talking with them about their first date, Brian mentioned their first kiss about a block away on Park Avenue, so of course our next spot was going to be where they had their first kiss!  (Kissing on the first date, eh?  I guess what they say is true, when you’ve met the right person, all the rules go out the window!)

We then decided, since it was 4pm (read as: not gonna find a cab), to take the 6 train to the Upper East Side, where they live, and to a nearby park (Carl Schurz Park), which, as you will see, offered a ton of opportunities for some fun shots.

You know it was a great session when after the shoot was finished, the groom suggested an additional spot or two to take photos, even after a couple hours of shooting!  Now if the groom gets this into Beloved sessions, then you know you’re doing something right.

I know I had a blast getting to know these two.  And I’m pretty sure they had a great time as well.  It was a beautiful, gorgeous afternoon spent with an equally beautiful and gorgeous couple.  Can’t wait for the big day!  It’ll come up before you know it!



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ROSE+WAYNE – A Bronx Zoo Beloved Session (with a little bit of Edgewater, NJ) (NYC NJ Engagement Session)

I’m loving this autumn weather we’re having today.  I’m actually wearing a hoodie as I write this, and it’s as comfortable as I remember it being last spring… which was also (ashamedly so) the last time I updated this blog!

Well it’s certainly been a whirlwind summer for me and while I’m sad the summer months have waned, the fall brings some much needed cooler weather, colorful foliage and best of all, hot chocolate.  And for us wedding photographers specifically, it brings plenty of opportunities for engagement sessions, or Beloved sessions, as they’re called around these neck of the woods.

And with that in mind, allow me to introduce to you Rose + Wayne.  I first met Rose when she was a bridesmaid for Irene + Ricky back in April.  Irene and Ricky were referred to me by Peter and Julie, who were clients of mine at my previous studio a few years ago, who were originally referred by Rose.  Get it?  Not confusing at all, no?

Anyways, that’s not the important part.  The important part is that I had the pleasure to photograph these two (and a third wheel later on in the shoot) at a locale that I’ve never shot at before, the Bronx Zoo.

Shooting at an interesting place like that certainly ups the “fun factor” for me, but it also presents its own series of challenges.  Namely, the fact that the last time I was in the Bronx Zoo, it was in 1986 for a first grade field trip and I was this close (put your thumb and index finger about a millimeter apart from each other) to getting completely lost from my class and never being heard from ever again… to roam forever in the jungles of the Bronx.

Okay, that last part might be a little melodramatic, but the other parts are true.  I almost lost contact with my group because I ended up zoning out into space for a moment and when I turned around, my class wasn’t there anymore!  It was like… the rapture, before I even knew what the rapture was (when I did eventually learn of the rapture a few years later, it scared the living bejesus out of me for months, but that’s another random story for another Beloved session!).  For an entire two minutes, I was in that state where your stomach starts feeling like its turning inside out because you know you’re in some kind of deep shit.  Like the “Is this the moment I’m going to die?” kind of deep shit.  The “Will I ever see my mom again?” kind of deep shit.  The “Sister Nadine is going to kick my ass… if I ever see her again” kind of deep shit (I went to a Catholic school).

I digress.  Anyways, a moment later I found a different class from my school and the feeling of relief that came over me was so incredible, I can still feel it somewhat right now as I recollect all this.  I joined up with that class and I remember trying to play it off like I didn’t get lost or separated from my group.  Had it been another minute more before I found them, I’m pretty sure I would’ve been in tears.

So yeah, I had that trauma to deal with while trying to take awesome photos of these two.  Not easy.  Half kidding.  Rose and Wayne were such great sports, it felt almost effortless to photograph.  It doesn’t hurt that both of them are so photogenic either.  Shooting at a place like this, I had a lot of fun being bitten by the creative bug, while Rose was being bitten by real life ones.

Later in the day, we drove back to Jersey to pick up their dog, Nala for a few shots along the river walk in Edgewater, NJ.  There was some great lighting available then, and we were able to get in a few fun “family” shots before calling it a day and getting some Ramen at Mitsuwa, which was conveniently nearby.

Thankfully, no one got lost on this trip to the Bronx Zoo.  Instead, what we got was a couple hours of the day for Rose and Wayne to share and remember their favorite moments and memories of their relationship, all while creating new ones at the same time.  And that’s really what I truly love about my Beloved sessions.  It’s not only an experience for the couples, it’s an experience for me each time, as well.

Anyways, I’ve written entirely too much.  Hope I didn’t lose any of you.  But if you’re familiar with this blog, then I’m sure you just skipped all the writing anyways.  Haha.  Enjoy the photos everyone!



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LAURA+JEFF (Bridgeview Yacht Club – New York Wedding)

It’s really hard to believe that the last time I updated my blog was in November.  It isn’t for a lack of being busy, that’s for sure.  Among weddings, Beloved sessions, birthday parties and corporate events, sadly, the blog is always the one aspect of my business that takes a hit, even though it’s one of the more enjoyable aspects of my business.

I had a little bit of breathing room of late (okay, not really, but updating my blog eventually became a priority) and I wanted to share with you a wedding that I shot a couple weeks ago at the Bridgeview Yacht Club.

My lovely couple was Laura and Jeff, whom you may remember from their Long Beach Beloved session.  Their Beloved session took on special meaning months afterwards, when Hurricane Sandy tore through the East Coast, taking much of Long Beach with her.

A couple days before their wedding, I hesitantly emailed Laura with the news that rain was looking like a big possibility, along with some suggestions on what we could do to make the rain to our advantage.  I say I wrote it hesitantly because I hate mentioning rain to my brides… but in our line of business, it’s something we have to address, whether (weather, get it?) we like it or not.

But I received a response almost immediately and Laura was chipper as can be.  As a wedding coordinator herself, she knows it happens.  But she also knew that rain wasn’t going to stop the most beautiful day of their lives!  And she was right.

Our day began at the Hotel Allegria, which was gracious enough to open up their rooftop and lounge for us.

**Brides-to-be, make sure you ask your hotel if you can have a photo session on location well before the actual big day.  Many hotels (especially Manhattan hotels) won’t allow photo sessions (outside of your hotel room) unless you’re actually getting married there.

From the Allegria, we left for the Bridgeview Yacht Club, where they set up the ceremony and reception exactly to the standards of the bride and groom.

All throughout the day, Laura and Jeff were surrounded by their loved ones, and it was great to witness.  But I wasn’t surprised at all to see this.  After having gotten to know them well in recent months, I knew the source of their energy and love for each other had to stem from somewhere, and it stems from their friends and family.

I absolutely loved working with these guys.  I have to admit, they made it really easy for me with all the beautiful details, the wonderful moments and all the photogenic people.  I just had to press a button a couple thousand times. =P

On that note, here are some memories from that day.  Enjoy!

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