Juliette+Nick – A Brooklyn, NY Wedding (My Moon Restaurant)

Running a one man show is… challenging to say the least.  I find myself constantly rearranging my priorities and lots of times, upkeeping this blog takes second (sometimes seventh) fiddle to my main duties, which is to my clients.

Anyways, the following images are from a wedding I covered in the summer (can’t believe it’s almost Halloween already!) at My Moon Restaurant in Brooklyn.  To get a little perspective on how late I am to blogging this wedding, I did another wedding at My Moon just a couple weeks ago, which I am hoping to blog about later this week.


Juliette and Nick.  What a great couple to work with.  I remember it being a beautiful summer day (it helps having photographs from that day).  The ladies were getting ready at the Wythe Hotel in hip Williamsburg, Brooklyn with the ceremony and reception at the aforementioned My Moon Restaurant.

There were lots of nerves, emotions and smiles at this celebration.  As an artist, it was a fantastic day to capture from the first shot of the wedding dress to the last shot at the bar (you can interpret that last “shot” any way you want).  Both Juliette and Nick were a dream to work with and I couldn’t be more thrilled that they loved the photos.  Juliette looked stunning and Nick… well, he looked like Nick. Just kidding, man.  I love Juliette and Nick not just as clients, but as friends too, and it gives me great joy to provide them with the service that I do.

Here’s a little peek into their wedding collection.  Enjoy!


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GMc <3's JOJO (Central Park Engagement Beloved Session - NYC Photography)

Graham loves Johanna, and it’s for all the world to see on a tree in Central Park.  Graham scratched this in a few years ago and they put every effort in to make a pilgrimage to that very tree as often as they can.  It didn’t take too long to decide that we should begin our Beloved session where Johanna and Graham’s relationship first got etched in stone wood.

Johanna picked a beautiful day for the session, and I couldn’t help but have an amazing time with them.  You’d think I’d be pretty tired after a Beloved shoot, but I always end up with more energy at the end than when I began!  That’s a pretty sweet perk to the job, if you ask me.

Below are a few images from the session.  As with all my clients who I come to endear and care for, I hope Johanna and Graham experienced something wonderful during this session that they weren’t expecting going into the shoot.  I always try to explain in words, prior to the session, how different Beloved is to your conventional engagement shoot, and how much more personal the images from your session will be to you every time you look at them.   I think my words fail me every time, but I always get a great feeling during the shoot when I see my couples really get into it, showcasing the entire spectrum of human emotion.

On that note, I’m excited to work with them again next month for their big day.  The venue’s at a mansion in Westchester County, which is where I grew up so I’m very partial to the area.  It’s actually in the town I went to high school in!

Congratulations to Johanna and Graham.  Though you two are no longer in Manhattan, there will always be a tree with your name on it.  Literally.

~ Jase

And before I leave you, I want to give a special shout-out to all the Beloved photographers in the world, of whom many are convening in Palm Springs, CA as we speak/read/write for its annual gathering.  I was at the festival last year in LA and it was one of those life-changing moments you only experience once or twice in a lifetime if you’re lucky.  It gave me insight, encouragement and motivation to make bold moves, and so for that I’m forever grateful.  My schedule got too hectic/busy for me to attend this year, but I partially blame last year’s collective for that. 🙂  It’s a good problem to have, I say.

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Susan, Sam, Ari and Max – Family Beloved Session (New Jersey)

I’ve known Susan for a while now and throughout all those years, she’s been unbelievably generous and supportive whenever I needed guidance and help.  Malcolm Gladwell writes in his best seller, “The Tipping Point” of three extremely rare types of social gifts that are invaluable in society – connectors, mavens and salespeople.  And though I think Susan fits to a certain degree in all three categories, to me, she is an amazing connector.

For those unfamiliar with Gladwell’s term, Connectors:

are the people in a community who know large numbers of people and who are in the habit of making introductions. A connector is essentially the social equivalent of a computer network hub. They usually know people across an array of social, cultural, professional, and economic circles, and make a habit of introducing people who work or live in different circles. They are people who “link us up with the world … people with a special gift for bringing the world together.”They are “a handful of people with a truly extraordinary knack [… for] making friends and acquaintances.”
– Source, Wikipedia

I don’t know how many random emails I’ve gotten from her over the years that start out with something like, “Hey, do you know this person?  You should get in touch with this organization.  He can help you with…”  Or I’ll get an email from a complete stranger saying something like, “Hi, I’m a friend of Susan’s and she referred you…”

I think the ability to connect people is such an amazing quality… it doesn’t just come in handy as a friend or colleague, but as a wife and mother as well, I’m sure.

And with that said (how do you like, that segue?), I introduce you to Susan’s beautiful, growing family.  Her and her husband, Sam have been married for a few years now (whose wedding photos were taken by the studio I started off at, incidentally) and have two beautiful children – Ari and Max.

For a vast majority of my family portrait sessions with young children, I like to help plan and document family activities for a more casual, laid back theme, and do less formal, traditional portraiture.  Like a “Slice of Life” capture of the everyday.  So with that in mind, we had a little pizza party (Slice of Life, pizza… get it?) and had some quality family time afterwards.

I hope you enjoy the images below.


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