AVA & SOPHIA (NYC Beloved Photography)

I received an email from Sophia about a month ago.

I first met her when she was a guest at a wedding that I shot last year and she also happened to be a client of my old studio for her own wedding photos.  It turns out, we have a lot of mutual friends, as is the usual case with Asians in New York City (I call it “Three Degrees of Separasian.”  Get it?  Separasian?”).

Anyways, Sophia was beginning a new chapter in her life with her daughter, Ava and wanted a portrait session to commemorate this new direction.  After reading up on my Beloved philosophy, she thought it was the perfect combination of getting portraits while sharing a fantastic experience with her daughter.


I remember I was at a bar having drinks with a friend when I first got her email.  Lol.  And I remember my immediate reaction was, “Wow, that’s awesome!”  She gets Beloved, because that’s exactly what it is.

I think in my years, I’ve come to see that there is nothing quite like the bond a mother can have with her daughter.  Of course there’s the daddy’s little girl/mama’s boy kind of relationship, but as I see the women around me getting older, I see the bonds with their mothers tighten as they become mothers themselves.  Perhaps they see more clearly, the sacrifices, hardships, stress and pain involved in being called “mom.”

Korean moms especially.  The first-generation Korean household daily responsibilities were mainly thus:

Dad – make money, play golf, watch Discovery Channel when not golfing
Kids – get into an Ivy League at any cost (lying, cheating and stealing are all acceptable)
Mom – take care of kids, make money, keep the house clean, check their homework, balance the checkbook, do laundry, cook meals, take kids to sports and/or instrument practice, go to parent/teacher conferences, discipline kids and there’s probably fifty other things that I’m just not appreciating.


So yeah.  During our initial consult, I learned that Sophia has a close relationship with her mother and lives a couple blocks away.  I suggested we get her mother involved in the portrait, as that could represent three generation of women – strong, bold Korean women.

So with that in mind, we did a few Beloved invites which you will see the reactions of below.  The other times, we were just playing around and having a good time.  I just happened to have a super duper expensive camera with me.  The weather was amazing, Ava couldn’t stop smiling and saying “Cheese!” and I was able to capture a few brief moments in three women’s lives together.

I walked away from the shoot smiling.  I met a friend for dinner later that day and she kept saying I should do Beloved shoots every day because I’m in a much better mood than when I don’t.  I don’t know how much of it was a joke, but I definitely felt a little lighter in my step than usual.  HA!  I hope my Beloved shoots have that effect on my clients.

Enjoy the photos, everyone!

~ Jase




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I’m Still Alive!

Hey everyone.  Sorry I haven’t had the chance to update recently.  I’ve got a lot of things I want to write about but I’ve just been backed up with things.  You know how it goes.  Anyways, here are some images from February.  Most of it is street photography, but one is of an event I did where former First Lady Laura Bush was the featured speaker.  Great times all around.

I’ll write some more substantial stuff soon!


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This and That

Psst. Valentine’s Day is tomorrow.

If you just said, “Oh shit! Tomorrow?” you’re not completely in the doghouse (aka the couch) just yet. It’s not too late to invest in a Beloved portrait session. Email me and inquire before 2:14am on February 14 and you’ll receive a special “Procrastinator’s Gift” – because let’s face it, we’ve all been there before.

All you need to do is send me an email at jase@jasekim.com to get the ball rolling. Let’s schedule something for when the weather gets a little warmer.


The Grammy’s were last night, in case you managed to avoid Facebook or Twitter in the past 12 hours.

I think this is the first time I’ve watched the Grammy’s in a very long time. The ceremony never really highlights the type of music that I actually like and listen to. Instead, it’s the same songs I hear at every wedding I shoot. Lol.

But I wanted to see what the Grammy’s would do in the wake of Whitney Houston’s passing. And I thought they did a geat job. LL did a better than expected job as host.

There were definitely a few peculiar moments. Like when they cut off Foo Fighters frontman, Dave Grohl as he was making some awesome points about the sad state of music these days and how everything is so manufactured and autotuned. Also, why the heck were the Beach Boys playing? Taylor Swift is apparently promoting the new Laura Ingalls Wilder line at Walmart. Like she was some literal gold digger from 1849. A subtle jab at Kanye perhaps? Ha, I kid.

Thanks to Nicki Minaj, Lady Gaga now knows how Madonna feels whenever Gaga rips off Madonna’s style/song/fashion/life. Not sure that was Nicki Minaj’s point though.

I threw up in my mouth a little bit when Chris Brown won and I saw people standing up for him. Now, I do believe everyone deserves a second chance, but I also believe people have the right to think you’re a d-bag for putting your hands violently on a woman. I wonder if the same people standing up and cheering Chris Brown were as tolerant with Michael Vick when he came back to the NFL.

I give a ton of credit to Jennifer Hudson for performing “I Will Always Love You.” I don’t know how she got through that without breaking down and crying.

I usually grow tired of overexposed and overpromoted singers quickly. But I think Adele is a true talent. I first heard her on Saturday Night Live a few years ago and I was just floored with her voice and onstage attitude. She didn’t sound or look like the prototypical mainstream pop star. I’m sure if I listened to the radio a lot I’d be sick and tired of her, but I don’t so I’m not.

Her story about having to get throat surgery and coming back from that is especially moving for me. When I first heard the news of her needing that surgery, I thought about how crushed I would be if there was something wrong with my eyes and there was a chance that I couldn’t see, which is a vital part of my career. So i definitely was rooting for her this past year. I was actually really nervous when she performed. I might’ve even had my fingers crossed at one point. Plus she looked totally hot, despite her mentioning snot running down her nose. And how could you not love her cockney accent.

Okay, I’ve rambled on enough. Tell me what you guys thought of the Grammy’s.

(And for those Downton Abbey watchers… Holy cow a lot of stuff went on in this past episode!)

Happy Valentine’s, folks!


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