Published in Quest Magazine

Back in July, when I was shooting with a separate studio, I had the opportunity to capture Gigi Stone and Ian Wood’s gorgeous wedding day with a freelancer of theirs.  If the name Gigi sounds and looks familiar, it’s because she is a newsreporter for Bloomberg TV.

Some of the photos were published by Quest Magazine, a New York City socialite monthly magazine in their September 2011 issue.  Here’s the tear-sheet.  Well, actually, a screen capture of a scanned tear-sheet.  Haha.

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Almost ready?

I’ve been getting numerous inquiries for weddings and beloved sessions as I’ve slowly been transitioning and rearranging basically my entire life coordinating this big new step in my career.  It’s tremendously exciting and fuels me with creative adrenaline to finally be off on my own.

(If you’re one of those aforementioned inquiring clients, welcome!  Please take a look around and let me know if you have any questions.)

It’s been a slow go of it getting things off the ground though, mainly because I’m a “teach yourself” kind of person.  And I’ve been building my website and my blog all on my own (if you don’t count Google).  I have a lot of techie friends, but when I ask them a question, it usually ends up confusing me more.  =?  You know how it is.

But I think I got the hang of it… for now.  Until some error pops up or I realize I forgot some massive step or deleted something that I shouldn’t have deleted.  I always get that crazy doubt when the computer asks me, “Are you suuuuuuuuure you want to delete this?  You can’t retrieve it and I’m seriously not going to feel sorry for you later.”  Or something to that effect.

Anyways, I’m almost ready to go full public.  But there’s some minor tweaks I need to work out before I do.  But if you found this page, it’s probably not by random, but because I linked it to you to check it out.  So go ahead… feel special.

But I only ask this.  Please do not publicize this page just yet or anything about the business.  It’s in its beta phases, like I mentioned.  But feel free to subscribe to my RSS!

I will be continuously updating the photo galleries on my blog, so please keep checking back if you’re so inclined.  =)


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Where I Am

Things have been so up in the air for me. Both personally and career-wise. Obviously, this blog will be (or should be) mostly about photography and weddings. But I can’t help but imagine using this forum as a personal journal open for my friends and clients to see.

I leave myself vulnerable to you, as you’ve been to me by allowing me to take your photo. Guess that seems fair.

So yeah. Here’s my first blog post ever (minus the numerous test posts I put up). And here I am, telling you I’ve had a real tough go of late.

I’m in a tough position right now because recently, I made the decision to branch out on my own from the studio I currently am at (unbeknownst to my bosses, so shhh). Starting your own business comes with its own world of headaches, but I’m also dealing with working full time at the tail end of busy season along with a host of personal and family issues that seem to be hitting all at once.

Things at work aren’t great, to say the least. My morale at the studio has been quite low recently. It’s a combination of feeling unappreciated, uninspired and knowing I am no longer growing in my field as an artist with them. It’s the last part that gets me the most.

Most days, while feeling stuck in the studio, I’ll stare out the window and imagine all the possibilities that my photography can take me, but just isn’t. I find myself yearning so badly to take my photography to a different level, a different direction. I know exactly where I want it to go, I know exactly how to get there. But there’s just been one thing that has been holding me back. And that’s money.

Money is always the bottom line, isn’t it? It’s tough times out there. Right now, I’m slowing securing enough funds to get my studio off the ground. I still have a ways to go, which I think may be the cause of most of my stress. But I can’t really let that get me too down. It’s not a huge amount of money in the grand scheme of things, and I really have no choice at this point.

So as inquiries keep coming in, it’s been quite the struggle juggling everything that’s been going on in my career. Don’t even get me started on my personal stuff. Unless a pint of beer is involved. Or three.

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